Version 1

Vortrag: RSE in UK Academia

Views from an UK RSE Fellow on building and running an group

This talk will share my experience as an EPSRC RSE Fellow in the UK. I will cover some of the history of rise of the role of RSEs within the UK and describe my personal experience of the UK RSE Fellowship scheme including how it has allowed me to build an RSE group.

The role of RSEs has steadily gained recognition in the UK through support of the Software Sustainability Institute. One of the major successes has been recognition from UK research funders of the importance which RSE roles play in the context of the academic environment. I am currently employed as an EPSRC (UK main science and engineering funding agency) RSE fellow. This role has allowed me to develop leadership around research software engineering including developing career tracks. In this talk I will describe my personal experience including some of the major challenges associated with both being an RSE and of building and maintaining a successful RSE group.


Tag: 25.08.2018
Anfangszeit: 11:15
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: C120
Track: de-RSE
Sprache: en




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