Vortrag: Rudder - configuration management benefits for everyone

Rudder is a new open source tool in the configuration management domain. Specifically aimed at drift assessment, it addresses automation, ongoing verification and repairs, centralizing information and knowledge about your infrastructure, compliance reporting... thus helping to keep drift from nominal behavior low. It's aim is to enable non-experts to benefit from the advantages of configuration management, not reinventing the technical wheel, but providing a new way to drive our infrastructure.

This talk will show how Rudder's approach enables everyone in the IT department to benefit from the advantages of configuration management, without necessarily needing to learn a complex tool, or even get their hands dirty. We'll describe and demonstrate how this is possible, and dive into the technical architecture that makes it work.

In a nutshell, clearly separated tasks permit technical experts to create configuration templates for the tools they know best, thus letting non-experts leverage this power via a modern web interface, such as: architects or security officers who implement policy, junior sysadmins who use and reuse such policies to setup services, and pretty much anyone who digs into real-time compliance reports and error logs.


Tag: 26.08.2012
Anfangszeit: 15:15
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: HS4
Track: Systemadministration
Sprache: en




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