Vortrag: What Symfony Components can do for you

Symfony without the full stack - using components standalone or in existing projects

It's been almost a year since Symfony 2.0 has been released. Symfony 2 has had a profound impact on the PHP world since well before the initial stable release, and its components have since been picked up as building blocks by many open source projects. Take a look at how Symfony Components can be of use to you, and how they make your life easier in migrating legacy projects towards a modern architecture.

This talk is about using parts of Symfony (the components) without the full stack. The intention is to show a wider audience - not only potential framework users - how they can profit from single parts of the framework, even if they don’t want or need to use the whole package.
I give a short (~10mins) overview of Symfony as a whole, and then show how components can be used to support legacy projects, or build projects and tools from scratch.

The talk can also be held in German, if preferred.


Tag: 25.08.2012
Anfangszeit: 14:00
Dauer: 00:45
Raum: HS6
Track: PHP
Sprache: en



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